Friday, October 19, 2007

Hateful, selfish, cold hearted Republicans!

I tell you what, for TN to be a conservative
state, the word republican is not very popular here.
I have had many people look at me in a different
light since I have offered myself up to this county
election. I think people know how I feel on certain
issues, but it has apparently not touched home with
most people until I was seen publically in support of
the republican party. I think that the title of this blog
is the only idea that the public has when it comes to
describing a conservative. This is sad, because it means
something much different to me. I am a republican
because I believe that we live in the greatest land on
this rock, and that we should take some pride in keeping
it that way. This is a land of opportunity, and though
it may not mean that every man or woman can be a
multi-millionaire, each and every person can make a
life for themselves and their family that they can be
proud of. I believe that we should help those in need,
help them to get on their feet and give them the resources
they need to be whatever they CHOOSE to be, but we
should not allow them to live off of our government. We have
the duty, not the right, to take the life of someone who
is a threat to the safety or liberty of our people, and that is the
ONLY, time we have that duty. We have the right of choice,
but not the right to choose to abort the life of an unborn child.
I have the right to protect my family and my home, and I have
the right to the weapon to do so, because gun control only controls
those who have the right to own them. We welcome others who
wish to enter our country and become a part of this great nation
and have the same opportunities that we all share, but we only
welcome those that come to us legally and have proved their
loyalty to this country. We do not support the demoralization of
this nation under God by tolerating what some consider a holy union
of two people of the same sex. We are tired of seeing drugs, sex, and
violence glorified on our television sets and radio channels.
These are many of the reasons that I am a republican, and if
any of these make me a hateful, selfish, cold hearted republican,
then so I will continue to be. I am from a large family of democrats,
and they are good people, but most of them are democrats because
of one or maybe two of the above reasons, I am republican for all
of them and many more. Maybe it was becoming a father that
really summoned me to challenge the ideas that I had been taught
my entire life, I am not sure but I will always believe this way for my
children's sake and the sake of others.

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