Monday, December 3, 2007

Visit My Website!

It has once again been sometime since I have
updated everyone here, but we now have a
website that will give you even more insight as
to who I am and what I am here to do. Please
visit today. My blog
will be posted there and I will put more effort
into keeping you informed on a daily basis about
the campaign. Thank you for all your support!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just Plain Wrong!

$502.09 at Kohls, $626.73 at Dillards,$399.44
at Parisian, $144.93 on shirts from Tommy
Hillfiger.....Are you serious. This is just one more
example of people who don't care how other
people's money is being spent as long as it is
being spent on them. If you want clothing on
the county dollar it seems to me like you would
be searching for the cheapest clothes possible for
the taxpayer's money..right? If I want a pair of
pants I go to Old Navy where I can get them for
$20 or less not Parisian where I would spend
$50. I shop on the clearance rack, and this
is with my money. This is rediculous, we need
some new perspective on the budgeting of our
citizen's tax money, because we are not getting
enough out of it.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hubert Smith Radio Show

I will be on the Hubert Smith radio show
this Sunday the 11th from 4:00pm to
6:00pm. Hubert's show airs on AM 850
the Horne Radio Network. I will be joined
by Hubert, Commissioner Thomas "Tank"
Strickland, and Joe Armstrong a past Knox
County Commissioner and current state
representative. We will be discussing some
current issues as well as the upcoming elections.
I would love to have you listen to the show, and
you are encouraged to call in and ask us some
questions. This is a way for me to get my message
out that when it comes to the running of Knox
County "Less is More". We need LESS politicians
and MORE public servants. I hope you enjoy the show.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I am still with ya!

I know it has been some time since I have
written and for those of you who check this
blog periodically I apologize. I am still very
much in this thing and I am trying every day
to get my name out there so that all of your
support will not be in vain. I have purchased
some yard signs and I am preparing for the
Powell Christmas Parade which should be a
lot of fun and will be a great opportunity to
get out amoung the 6th district citizens. I
have dropped back my participation a tad
in party meetings, because it is my firm
belief that knocking on people's doors and
meeting new people, and getting new people
registered to vote is what is going to get all of
us the government we deserve. I am still in
dire need of money for this campaign so if any
of you out there want to help or know someone
who might want to help please contact me at I have yard signs
coming next week and I would love to put one
in your yard if you would like to have one please
call my cell phone number at 865-254-3581.
This is a very important time for Knox County
and all the people it is home to, and we must
make our voices heard. Get out there and vote.
Don't forget to do something to support the
candidate you trust whomever they may be.
Matthew Jones

Friday, October 19, 2007

Hateful, selfish, cold hearted Republicans!

I tell you what, for TN to be a conservative
state, the word republican is not very popular here.
I have had many people look at me in a different
light since I have offered myself up to this county
election. I think people know how I feel on certain
issues, but it has apparently not touched home with
most people until I was seen publically in support of
the republican party. I think that the title of this blog
is the only idea that the public has when it comes to
describing a conservative. This is sad, because it means
something much different to me. I am a republican
because I believe that we live in the greatest land on
this rock, and that we should take some pride in keeping
it that way. This is a land of opportunity, and though
it may not mean that every man or woman can be a
multi-millionaire, each and every person can make a
life for themselves and their family that they can be
proud of. I believe that we should help those in need,
help them to get on their feet and give them the resources
they need to be whatever they CHOOSE to be, but we
should not allow them to live off of our government. We have
the duty, not the right, to take the life of someone who
is a threat to the safety or liberty of our people, and that is the
ONLY, time we have that duty. We have the right of choice,
but not the right to choose to abort the life of an unborn child.
I have the right to protect my family and my home, and I have
the right to the weapon to do so, because gun control only controls
those who have the right to own them. We welcome others who
wish to enter our country and become a part of this great nation
and have the same opportunities that we all share, but we only
welcome those that come to us legally and have proved their
loyalty to this country. We do not support the demoralization of
this nation under God by tolerating what some consider a holy union
of two people of the same sex. We are tired of seeing drugs, sex, and
violence glorified on our television sets and radio channels.
These are many of the reasons that I am a republican, and if
any of these make me a hateful, selfish, cold hearted republican,
then so I will continue to be. I am from a large family of democrats,
and they are good people, but most of them are democrats because
of one or maybe two of the above reasons, I am republican for all
of them and many more. Maybe it was becoming a father that
really summoned me to challenge the ideas that I had been taught
my entire life, I am not sure but I will always believe this way for my
children's sake and the sake of others.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Here they go again

The Cawoods are at it again, handing out
government money with no remorse to the
taxpayer. This time they have joined forces
with Mr. Huddleston. They have said that
the money was given for a good cause, but
guess knew you were going to be
tossed from your positions so the money wasn't
yours to give. These discretionary funds need
to be done away with. It is just one more way
for our officials to transfer our tax dollars into
votes for themselves. Yes...don't think for one
second that we the people believe that you were
handing out this money at the last minute for any
other reason but to increase your voter turn out.
You can see the guilt in Mrs. Cawood's face, but
no suprise there, and Mr. Huddleston even said he
did it before the ruling because he thought he might
be losing his job. How much are we going to let these
people disfigure the rules to make them work in
their favor. I don't care if this money was going to
the greatest of causes it was wrong for it to be
dispursed in this manner, just like it is wrong for
these appointees whose positions could not stand
up in court to seek reappointment. Do you scoundrels
not hear what the people are saying. I guess
you would have to care about the people to care about
what they are saying. You are going to
mess around and cause an uprising. I am sick of
seeing your faces in the paper, and that my greedy
little friends is plenty enough motivation to get
myself elected in your place. Thank you and
enjoy the last days of your political careers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

No Appointments!

Knox County is fast approaching another
pride stripping government official appointment
ceremony. Don't you think that this whole
situation could have been avoided with a
special election earlier this year? They didn't
want it then and they certainly don't want it now.
MOST, and I emphasize most, of these guys won
their seats in elections with name recognition and
they figure that if we can read their name in the
news for the next year that they will get elected on
that same premise once again. The only reason
Sharon Cawood would even think of asking for a
reappointment to her seat is that she beleives that
if people see her name enough she might have a chance
in an election. I am not going to look for an appointment
because they are going to do it the same way they did
before, but the difference is they have had time to find
the friends that they want in those seats and have been
able to organize their efforts and get others on board. can bet that those appointed will be friends
or maybe even family of those who are so comfortable in
their current seats. The election is the only way to fix this
and I will be turning in my qualifying petition next week.
I support the recall amendment! We should have a firm
grip on the leash of our government officials, All of them.