Friday, September 28, 2007

Less is more

Here is a thought... we need less politicians
and more public servants. In Knox County
the word "politician" has become a dirty word.
I see it this way, if you are considered a
"good politician" which I have heard about
several of ours, it is time to step down.
Politics is not a career it is an opportunity
to serve, and once you have completed your
service it is time to move on and allow others
the same opportunity. We have term limits
so that the elected offiicial's drive to serve
the people does not over time become a
drive to keep themselves in power. Greed and
arrogance has taken over Knox County government
and it is high time to elect a new humble
front line of officials to lead this county until
the next dedicated public servants come forward.

Voting Blind Hurts!

I have just come to a revelation that is somewhat
disappointing. In the past 6 months I have given
my cell and home phone numbers to about..oh...
1500 Knox County citizens, specifically those in
the Powell and Karns areas. I can count the
number of those people who have called to see
what I am all about and why I am campaigning
to be their next county commissioner on one hand.
There are several reasons that this scares me but
mostly it shows me just how involved people are
in their elected representation over at the
city/county building. I am offering a suggestion to
all of you who are tired of seeing theives and liars
speaking for YOU on issues of YOUR well-being.
POSITIVE CHANGE. The key word here is
positive because don't forget as soon as one of
these power hungry elected officials thinks they
might not win they will go out and get a close
friend or family member to run so they can stay
close to the power they have grown so fond of.
Thank you and please call us. My cell is 254-3581
My home is 938-7365. Sincerely, Matthew Jones

Monday, September 17, 2007

Is Matthew Jones qualified?

This issue of my qualifications for becoming a
Knox County Commissioner has surfaced lately
so let us see if I am qualified by our current
standards. I am not related to, even by marriage,
any of the current or past commissioners. My
daily decisions are not even slightly influenced
by the Mayor or the Sheriff. I do not have a
criminal history, and have never been a drug
dealer nor have I been charged or even accused
of any sexual misconduct. I have not been
advised to obtain a private attorney for any
ethical wrong doings. I like lobster, but I haven't
eaten it in probably 3 years or more. No one speaks
for me, but me. Most of the current and all of the past
government officials couldn't tell you who I am.
If we go by these qualifications then no I am not
qualified to become a commissioner.
Here are my qualifications:
I am a concerned citizen with two young children
growing up in Knox County. My desire is to let the
people of Knox County speak through me to allow each
of them a voice in Knox County government. I care about
people, and I love children. I want better schools, and
safer streets. I am not a criminal, and I am a registered
voter. I am tired of seeing my tax dollars wasted on
stationary and travel allowances. I am sick at my stomach
of this "buddy government" system that allows our
politicians to keep their positions for years past their terms
by giving them over to their friends and family until they
can run again. I am here to support change.
"Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and
for the same reason" - unknown author.
I think I am qualified. I know I am more qualified than
my opposition if not professionally then definitely morally.
Thank you all for your support and your vote!
Matthew Jones

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cawood vs. Cawood vs. Cawood vs Cawood.....

Who are they kidding? Hey, if enough Cawoods
run for County Commission one of them has to win
right? Once again citizens of Knox County the Cawoods
are reaching out their hand of greed to you and slapping
you in the face by throwing another family member into
the bid for the election. They are just so power hungry
that they will do anything to win. If they keep up this kind of
open disrespect for voters then I won't even have to
campaign. Thanks Cawood family. It is absolutely
unbelieveable the way you people think.
It is personal now, and I would be safe in betting
that I am not the only one offended.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I have the right to run!

One of the changes to the ethics policy laid out by the Knox County One Question
movement is that no county employee can serve on the Commission.
I am a county employee and I make about $35,000 a year as a juvenile
probation officer and I earn every penny.
So are we saying because of the unethical actions of a few that
I can't run for election of a seat in my own county government?
We all have the right to take a stance and be selected by the people.
I agree that there are some greedy people who don't deserve the
title of public servant, but that is not everyone. I don't believe that
I should be forbidden to serve if I am elected by the people. If you want
to avoid someone being over compensated for their county work set
a limit to how much you can make for the county and still serve, or how
about this.. cut the commissioner's pay by half, or you know what don't pay
them. It is an honor to selected to represent the people shouldn't that be
enough pay. We shouldn't have to change the ethics code, that is why we
hold elections, and I believe strongly in elections!
The people will decide!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Stand firm, but be nice!

I need to apologize. I have always been taught to stand
behind what I believe, but to be respectful and courteous
while doing it. I would like to apologize to Greg Lambert
if it seemed like I was attacking him with my most
recent posts. It is not my intention to stain your reputation
in any way. I am not here to throw dirt at anyone, but I am
very passionate about these issues. I don't have anything
good to say about what I have seen out of my commission
in the recent past. I will try to focus my frustration on the
group as a whole. Thanks for your time.