Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Karns Republican Club

The Karns Republican Club met last night
at Karns Middle and there was a great turnout.
Politians, candidates, and most importantly
conerned republican citizens were in attendance
to hear two republican candidates Phil Ballard
and Mike Lowe debate about their interest in
being elected to the property assessor position
next year. After both men had about 7 minutes
to sell themselves it was time for questions.
A vocal and very loyal republican in the room
asked Mr. Lowe, in so many words, how do
you think it looks that you took a high paying
position in the same office you were term
limited from and are now running for another
high paying county office? As most professional
politicians have been known to do Mr. Lowe did
not answer the question directly. He continued on
about how good his office did when he was in it, and
how good this new one will be when he is elected.
There is no doubt in my mind the Mr. Lowe has
done some great things for Knox County, but this
is not about pride, it is about power and greed.
You have done your service, we thank you, and now
it is time to move on and give others the same opportunity
to serve. I am not picking on Mr. Lowe because I
believe this about all the officials that bounce around
from office to office to stay in power. Phil Ballard is
currently a county commissioner yes, but he worked
hard to get there, and has only served for a short time,
and I am convinced that he has seen an office where
his talents and expertise will be most beneficial to the people.
I truly believe that Phil Ballard is bringing a lot to the
office of property assessor, and he has my support and
my vote. I would like to invite you to the Karns Republican
club we meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm
at Karns Middle School in the Library. Hope to see you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.