Monday, September 17, 2007

Is Matthew Jones qualified?

This issue of my qualifications for becoming a
Knox County Commissioner has surfaced lately
so let us see if I am qualified by our current
standards. I am not related to, even by marriage,
any of the current or past commissioners. My
daily decisions are not even slightly influenced
by the Mayor or the Sheriff. I do not have a
criminal history, and have never been a drug
dealer nor have I been charged or even accused
of any sexual misconduct. I have not been
advised to obtain a private attorney for any
ethical wrong doings. I like lobster, but I haven't
eaten it in probably 3 years or more. No one speaks
for me, but me. Most of the current and all of the past
government officials couldn't tell you who I am.
If we go by these qualifications then no I am not
qualified to become a commissioner.
Here are my qualifications:
I am a concerned citizen with two young children
growing up in Knox County. My desire is to let the
people of Knox County speak through me to allow each
of them a voice in Knox County government. I care about
people, and I love children. I want better schools, and
safer streets. I am not a criminal, and I am a registered
voter. I am tired of seeing my tax dollars wasted on
stationary and travel allowances. I am sick at my stomach
of this "buddy government" system that allows our
politicians to keep their positions for years past their terms
by giving them over to their friends and family until they
can run again. I am here to support change.
"Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and
for the same reason" - unknown author.
I think I am qualified. I know I am more qualified than
my opposition if not professionally then definitely morally.
Thank you all for your support and your vote!
Matthew Jones

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